Undergraduate Internships & Co-ops
What is a co-op or an internship?
A co-op or internship is a short-term learning experience for students in a professional work environment and is typically related to the student’s major or career goal. The opportunity generally involves a student working in a setting under the supervision of and mentoring of a business professional. The work can be paid or unpaid, and may or may not be eligible for academic credit.
Why should I do an internship before graduation?
- Gain “real world” experience related to your career goals
- Determine what you want and do not want in a future career
- Test job responsibilities and work environments
- Strengthen your resume
- Be competitive in the job market
- Receive direct job offers
- Potentially receive college credit
An internship is an opportunity to test the waters. You’re determining what you want in a future career and employers are determining whether an intern could be a long-term employee with the company. Many employers use co-ops and internships as recruitment for potential future employees and may offer full-time employment at the end of the internship.
How do I receive academic credit?
Internships may be eligible for credit if certain criteria are met.
- Must be a new learning experience. Credit must be requested before the student starts an internship or within their first two weeks of working.
- Job responsibilities must be 75% related to the discipline you want to receive credit, see below.
- A structured supervisory practice must be in place. Typically this is an on-site supervisor that the intern works with regularly.
Students are eligible to receive academic credit for an internship after taking and passing the pre-req course for their discipline and must be in good academic standing at the start of the internship.
Students who may be able to receive credit:
Computer Information Systems
Equine Business Management
Does it cost money to receive credit for an internship?
Yes, regular tuition costs will apply. Tuition will be based on the number of credit hours the student receives.
How many hours does an intern have to work to receive credit?
Interns must work 75 hours per credit hour they are receiving. In order to receive 3 credit hours, an intern must work 225 hours.
Do I have to wait and start my internship at the start of a semester if I want to get credit?
No. Students can complete their internship during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Since we know that employers do not work on semester schedules, we will work with you to establish deadlines. You must still tell the Ulmer Career Center that you want to receive credit before you start or within your first two weeks of working.
Will I receive a grade for my internship course?
You will receive a Pass/Fail grade based on the report you submit at the end of the internship, your supervisor’s evaluation, and the completion of the minimum number of hours required.
How do I request credit?
You will complete an application for credit and policy agreement on Cardinal Careers.
Am I required to complete a co-op or internship before graduation?
Only CIS and MGMT majors are required to complete a co-op/internship. However, we strongly encourage all students to complete at least one internship before graduation.
Students should schedule an appointment with a Career Coach at the Ulmer Career Center to discuss an internship search and to have any additional questions about receiving credit answered.
Learn how to search for Co-ops via Cardinal Careers